Your MSTS Installation and Custom Installations for Open RailsOpen Rails reads only the content folders in each of the MSTS installationsyou choose to identify for it and will do so without modifying any of thosefiles. None of the MSTS program folders are used and no changes to the MSTSdirectory tree are required.Open Rails may also be used to read a non-MSTS directory structure that youcreate.This document uses the term Root Folder to designate the parent folder of anyMSTS or OR-Specific directory tree (.e.g, Train Simulator is theRoot Folder for MSTS). Consists Paths Services Shapes Sounds Textures Terrtex Tiles Traffic Trainset WorldOpen Rails uses a file parser to read the MSTS files and will locate manyerrors that are missed or unreported by the MSTS software or by otherutilities. In most cases, the Open Rails software will ignore the error in thefile and run properly.
Open Rails software logs these errors in a log file onthe user’s desktop. This log file may be used to correct problems identifiedby the Open Rails software. The parser will also correct some of the problemsthat stumped MSTS. For example, if a texture is missing Open Rails willsubstitute a neutral gray texture and continue. ActivitiesMany passenger and freight activities created using the MSTS activity editorrun without problems in Open Rails.Some Activities created using the MSTS activity editor will have slightlydifferent behavior as compared to running in MSTS. This is often due toslightly different train performance resulting from differences in how eachsimulator handles train physics.A few activities fail to run at all.
This appears to be due to the creativityof Activity Designers who have found ways to do things wholly unanticipated bythe Open Rails Team. As these are discovered the Open Rails team will recordthe bug for future correction. GLOBALSHAPESMany routes use specific track sets, like XTRACKS, UK-finescale etc.Routes which solely use such sets do not need any of the original MSTSfiles from GLOBAL, as all required files come from the relevant track set.These sets can be downloaded from many Train Sim forums. There are also manyroutes using super-sets of the original MSTS track sets. These routes willneed some or all the files contained in the SHAPES and TEXTURESsubfolders within the GLOBAL folder of your MSTS installation.
3DTrains - Add-ons for Microsoft Train Simulator®Based on U.S. Prototype standards, ScaleRail is a new and exciting addition to MS Train Simulator, one which is sure to visually enhance any route, as well as increase the enjoyment and experience for all train sim enthusiasts.ScaleRail comes in two basic varieties with wood and concrete ties, as well as a large selection of bridges, turnouts, curves etc.
Interchangeable textures are included for a wide variety of track configurations - all which will peacefully coexist in the same route.Also available are options for low, medium and high detail models, shapedconcrete ties, as well as your choice for standard or low-resolution textures.ScaleRoadScaleRail also includes ScaleRoad - a system of city, urban, highway, and other road sections. Like ScaleRail, ScaleRoad supports dynamic shadows cast from other objects adding to the enrichment of your virtual environment. Other items, such as vehicles, road and trackside details and other scenery items, are in development and will be announced in the near future.LicensingScaleRail is a free, public download, and a licensing fee is not required for those who wish to distribute their routes as freeware. For commercial licensing inquiries, however, please drop us a note at:NoteScaleRail is not visually compatible with other track systems, including the default track that ships with MS Train Simulator. Requires registration - subject to verification and approval.Note: ScaleRail is intended for those experiencedwith the inner-workings of the route editor. It is not adrop-in replacement for the default track that ships with MSTS.Converted routes.